Sunday, September 30, 2012

I keep trying

And I keep failing...

Some people make this look so easy. I know she's thinking "..not this again <sigh>".

Mounting from the ground bareback has been one of my goals for years. I'm a reasonably well regarded horseman. I should be able to do this! Maybe if I stand her in a little ditch.


She's really been very good about all of this. Of course I'm not getting any younger and it becomes less and less likely I'll do this as time passes.

Whatever the case for the time being I'll just have to use rocks. Logs. Milk crates. And...well..mounting blocks!

It's not like it's a big problem. It's more the abstract business of coming to terms with the realization there are some things I just can't do.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's fantastic that you ride bareback. I'm not there yet, but it's on my bucket list. Whether you can get on from the ground or have to use a mounting block, the end result is what counts. You two look great. :-)


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